

  • 差评~哈哈
  • 什么鬼?
  • 再加把油
  • 棒棒的
  • 超级(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
分类:恐怖 剧情: 导演:Ivan-Goran Vitez
年代:2010 地区:其它 语言:其它


  • yz


      《林中生物2010》2010 年其它 地区上映的一部热门恐怖 作品,由Ivan-Goran Vitez 导演执导,Natasa Dangubic Ines Bojanic Stojan Matavulj Ljubisa Savanovic 等明星演员参演的电影 作品,目前更新状态为:HD中字,已经获得842位观众老爷的青睐。《林中生物2010》主要讲述了:
 Young Rinus Jongbloed, the new boss of a Croatian marketing agency which has recently changed owners and is now in the Dutch property, has organized for his employees a weekend of white-water rafting and paintball battle, with the purpose of the popular team building. During the rafting trip an incident happens, but what happens the following day will completely outshine the rafting incident. During the paintball war simulation, our heroes will face a local family determined to terminate some of them, they will meet strange hiker"s couple and they will realize that their paintball instructors have hidden agenda.
  As the day approaches its end, they all slowly realize that the lives of those who manage to survive will never again be the same.
